Proxy ZeroNet Privato
:ID: ee11f825-2280-41ae-987e-ec3b012f2986 :PUBDATE:
mi annoto qualche discussione che possa tornarmi utile nel caso mi capiti di provare a impostare un proxy privato per i miei siti su ZeroNet undergoing DDoS attack && || getting hacked. zero
I won't run a proxy again. As I said, there's a vulnerability in ZeroNet public proxies that allows attackers to list the directory of server site folders, and possibly steal private keys and masterseeds. You wake up one morning, server is down, and the SSH terminal TMUX session shows ZeroHello directory files.
Luckily, they only seem to have listed the directory of ZeroHello. I don't know what they were doing there.. it would be interesting to create a honeypot. It may have just been an attempt to shut down the ZeroNet client i.e. DDoS.
My proxy is now running privately.
Zero proxies vulnerability zero
ZeroNet proxies do not disable Stats plugin. Any people can get access /Benchmark tools externally.
I suppose, it is vulnerability for (D)DOS attack.
Setup A Clearnet Proxy for ZeroNet zero
I've set up a clearnet proxy, currently for personal use, may open it for everyone later.
Deploy ZeroNet to Heroku as a Public or Private ZeroNet Proxy Service zero
Note: due to formatting issues, some bash commands below have incomplete display. Just copy and paste the bash code block somewhere for the complete commands. Introduction
This is a tutorial on deploying ZeroNet to Heroku as a Python web app. You can host a (1) public or (2) private ZeroNet proxy, or only host (3) your personal zsites (ZeroNet site) statically (with all your zsite contents there) or dynamically (as an open gate to the clearnet and fetch your zsite contents from the zero network) on Heroku…
TODO ProxySchizo zero
ho attivato il proxy personale su HEROKU
ma non funziona, devo vedere dai log quale è il problema…
Running a ZeroProxy zero
You might have noticed I just started to host two new ZeroProxies
In this post, I will teach you how to host your own.
#+BEGINCOMMENT First things first, you need :
A domain name pointing to your server (I will refer to it as A VPS running Debian 8 (You can get one at DigitalOcean (ClearNet))
Connect to your VPS, on Linux and MAC this would be:
$> ssh root@serverip
Update it:
$> apt update $> apt upgrade
Setup the domain name
The domain name you want to use, here, needs to have an A record pointing to serverip. You can check this with dig:
$> dig
; <<>> DiG 9.9.5-3ubuntu0.8-Ubuntu <<>> ;; global options: +cmd ;; Got answer: ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 32341 ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1
;; OPT PSEUDOSECTION: ; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096 ;; QUESTION SECTION: ; IN A
;; Query time: 23 msec ;; SERVER: ;; WHEN: Fri Jun 17 23:02:44 CEST 2016 ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 58
Refer to your domain name provider for help on how to set it up. If you use CloudFlare as DNS provider, make sure CloudFlare protection is disabled for the A record. Get ZeroNet up and running
We will have to download, extract and make ZeroNet run with forever. Let's start:
$> wget $> tar -xvf ZeroBundle-linux64.tar.gz $> rm ZeroBundle-linux64.tar.gz $> wget -qO- | bash $> . ~/.nvm/ $> nvm install 5 $> npm install forever -g
Now we have both ZeroBundle and forever installed, let's launch it once:
\(> cd ZeroBundle ZeroBundle/\)> ./
Once you see the following (underneath), hit CTRL + C.
[14:12:02] Ui.UiServer ---------------------------------–— [14:12:02] Ui.UiServer Web interface: [14:12:02] Ui.UiServer ---------------------------------–—
Now that ZeroBundle downloaded ZeroNet, we can enable the Multiuser plugin.
ZeroBundle/\(> cd ZeroNet/plugins/ ZeroBundle/ZeroNet/plugins/\)> mv disabled-Multiuser/ Multiuser/ ZeroBundle/ZeroNet/plugins/$> cd ../..
ZeroNet is installed and we are not going to let it run yet. Before, install Tor using these instructions (ClearNet). After that, you can run ZeroNet :
ZeroBundle/$> forever start -c bash ""
You can check the status of scripts running with forever using forever list. Generate an SSL certificate
No, you're not going to pay for it. We'll use certbot by LetsEncrypt, it's free ! You will have to renew your certificate every 90 days though (edit: this is now done automatically thanks to a cron job added by certbot).
$> echo "deb jessie-backports main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/backports.list $> apt update $> apt install certbot -t jessie-backports $> certbot certonly -d –standalone
Carefully read the message returned by the last command, and if it didn't worked then fix the issues it pointed out. If you get a success message, note the file it gives you ! Finally, install nginx
Nginx is like Apache, but faster and just overall better. My friend angristan made an easy installation script:
$> wget $> chmod +x $> ./
You should follow it as I did:
Welcome to the nginx-autoinstall script.
What do you want to do?
- Install Nginx
- Uninstall Nginx
- Update the script
Select an option [1-3]: 1
This script will install Nginx 1.11.1 (mainline) with some optional famous modules.
Please tell me which modules you want to install. If you select none, Nginx will be installed with its default modules.
Modules to install : PageSpeed [y/n]: n Brotli [y/n]: n Headers More 0.30 [y/n]: n GeoIP [y/n]: n Cloudflare's HTTP/2 + SPDY patch [y/n]: y Cloudflare's TLS Dynamic Record Resizing patch [y/n]: n
Choose your OpenSSL implementation :
- System's OpenSSL (default)
- OpenSSL 1.0.2h from source
- LibreSSL 2.4.1 from source
Select an option [1-3]: 1
Nginx is ready to be installed, press any key to continue… <press enter>
Once that's done, we'll have to create a vhost for nginx.
\(> cd /etc/nginx/ /etc/nginx/\)> nano nginx.conf
Find the line include etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf; and add include /etc/nginx/sites/*.conf; behind (or the line after it, just make sure it comes before }). CTRL + X then Y to save. We can now put our vhost in sites:
/etc/nginx/\(> cd sites /etc/nginx/sites/\)> nano
Dont forget the .conf suffix, or the file won't load.
Enter this in it:
server { listen 80; servername; rewrite ^ https://$server_name$request_uri? permanent; }
server { listen 443 ssl http2;
sslcertificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/; sslcertificatekey /etc/letsencrypt/live/; ssltrustedcertificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/;
sslprotocols TLSv1.2; sslecdhcurve secp384r1; sslciphers EECDH+AESGCM:EECDH+AES; sslpreferserverciphers on; sslstapling on; sslstaplingverify on; resolver valid=300s; resolvertimeout 5s; sslsessioncache shared:SSL:10m; sslsessiontimeout 5m; sslsessiontickets off;
location / { proxypass; proxysetheader Host $host; proxysetheader X-Real-IP $remoteaddr; proxysetheader X-Forwarded-For $proxyaddxforwardedfor; proxysetheader X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; }
location /Websocket { proxypass; proxyhttpversion 1.1; proxyreadtimeout 1h; #for long live websocket connetion proxysetheader Upgrade $httpupgrade; proxysetheader Connection "upgrade"; }
clientmaxbodysize 20M; }
Don't forget to replace all with your domain !
nginx -s reload to reload the nginx configuration and you're all set. You should be able to see your proxy by going to, all good.
If you have any questions, my contact info is in the sidebar.
2 Comments: zero
ssdifnskdjfnsdjk ━ on Jan 19, 2018 zero
It not worked for me.
The "forever" not worked on CentOS7. Result: -bash: forever: command not found During installation (npm install forever): npm WARN optional Skipping failed optional dependency /chokidar/fsevents: npm WARN notsup Not compatible with your operating system or architecture: fsevents@1.1.3 npm WARN enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/root/package.json'
When i launched it shown no error and log file was updated with various connections, yet i was unable to visit http://myvpsip (timeout)
– WHAT WORKED for me was this: in directory where is located, create new file zeronet.conf and inside add: [global] uiip = * uiport = 80
Then run "screen" command and inside run by command: "python", detach screen by (Ctrl+a and "d" key), to re-attach, do command: screen -r
darkdevel ━ on Sep 13, 2016 zero
dyn dns is ok too #+ENDCOMMENT